Recent Solo Exhibitions

Lunar Anus @ Blade Study, NYC

I don't want to live in a world without feathers @ Nogueras Blanchard, Barcelona

Ashes to Ashes @Rachel Uffner, NYC


'Self As Multitude', Testudo, January 2023

'On the Spot with Avery Z Nelson', The Brooklyn Rail, June 2021

Yale Radio Interview, April 2021

Avery Z. Nelson (they/he) was born in Rhinebeck, NY and lives and works between NYC and Berlin. In 2022-2023 they presented solo shows at Blade Study (NYC) Rachel Uffner Gallery (NYC) and at Nogueras Blanchard (Barcelona). Nelson's work has been included in group exhibitions at many spaces including Para Site (Hong Kong), Mrs. Gallery (Queens, NYC), Klaus Von Nichtssagend (NYC), JDJ (NYC), and the DePaul Art Museum (Chicago). Their work has been reviewed in publications including The Brooklyn Rail, Artforum, Artspace, and Spike Magazine and they were a recipient of the Sharpe Walentas Studio Fellowship (2019) as well as an FST Studio Funding Grant (2021).